Tuesday, December 28, 2004

How to make a couple million, and make America Stupid

Posted by Hello

Bring it on, Drumline, 'cuz You got served. Three movies, same fucking story. Here's the math:

Add one part competition.
One part Ethnic coolness.
One part racial tension.
One part Top 40 soundtrack.
One part "evil cool guy".
Then, subtract the following;
Good Acting

What you get is a piece of shit. But there's a special ingredient needed to make these films suspensful. Ready?

A TIE!!!!

No, not a decorative piece of neck clothing, but a situation which requires the two opposing forces to face off and show their shit.

But let the underdogs win. For God's sake, don't forget that.

I just cannot stand these droves of mindless media that are attacking the youth and telling people what is cool. You got served is not about breakdancing. All dancers like that are in fact homosexual. I'm sure there's a union.

Cheerleading is stupid. No movie on earth can make cheerleading cool. Nobody gets pepped up by your cheers. We're waiting for a panty shot, or a boob to fall out. That is all.

And marching band is for nerds. Period. Sorry Adam, but it's for nerds. I love percussion, but there is no need to sit down and watch Mr. Cannon try and act street in fucking band class.

Also, there is nothing fast and furious about Paul Walker or whatever. Dude couldn't sound more white trying to sound more black if he tried. I think he's trying. Unless he actually buys into his own bullshit. "Hey bro, listen to me." God damn.

Then they had to go make fucking Biker Boyz and Torque 'cuz the two wheeler cock feelers couldn't be left out. I know there's a Semi-Truck movie coming out soon....wait....something's coming to me...ahh yes.

Black Dog. Perhaps that steaming pile of failure is the reason all of these crap movies started. But for some reason, I'm hard pressed to believe that MeatLoaf is capable of starting a diet, let alone a hollywood trend.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Liquid Courage

Posted by Hello

So I get a call last night from my boss. Christmas eve, and some numbskull client can't figure out his fucking audio/video system. He's a big wig for the local newspaper, so it's a big deal. Now I've already had a couple of drinks in me, so I agree to call the guy and see if I can walk him through it.

Perhaps it was the alcohol, but I was unable to help him. I tell him that I'll call my boss and see if he approves an after hours service call. I radio my boss and then the damnest thing happens. My testicles inflate to nearly three times their size. My chest puffs out like a fat belly after being released from a belt.

"Hey Boss, I'll make a deal with you. I'll do this service call, even though I've had a few to drink, and it's Christmas Eve, on one condition. I want paid holidays," I tell him.

Silence on the other end.

"What?" he replies.

"I'll do this if you agree to pay all my holidays from here out," I repeat.

"Done. Just don't tell anybody," he agrees.

Now there are around 45 employees in this company. Only about 5 or 6 get paid holidays and they're the ones who have been there for 10+ years. So now I'm stoked.

I have the wifey drive me to their house and I fix their shit in less than an hour. The guy and his wife are greatfull, and he palms me a c-note for my trouble.

It was a great night.


Merry Christmas to all my friends and crap. Sorry you didn't get any presents. Or cards. You probably won't even get a phone call. Unless I decide to drunk-dial tonight. Deal with it. That's the price to pay to know me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Gayer than a rainbow with astroglide...

Posted by Hello

Now, I've seen some gay shit in my life. I've had friends tuck their nuggets between their legs and introduce me to their sister. My uncle is gay and his boyfriend is the personal assistant to Bob Mackie (sp?) the famous gay fasion designer. Hell, I"ve even been offered to have sex with a man in a public restroom. (Serg, No means NO!)

But these butt-pirates top the cake for the day. Peep Game.

Just a little something to make you feel better for checking out that guy's ass on the subway the other day, you fucking homos.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Office Party, White Elephant, and Alcohol

Posted by Hello
(click picture if you're too old to read small shit)

So I just started at this new company and we had our Office Christmas Party last night. It was at this fancy little bistro called The Rusty Duck in Sacramento. I arrived only to meet the female sales gal fucking blitzed already. But this was a good thing, since she was in the process of purchasing drinks for everyone. I settle down at the bar and let her buy me a jack 'n' coke. I spent the next two hours getting to know the people I really only meet in passing as I pick up my gear to go install. For the most part, it was pretty non eventful. Having one drunk salesperson after another buying me drinks was nice though.

This was also my first experience with a White Elephant gift exchange. If you ever want to feel like total shit and enjoy doing it, try it for the first time. I was told that the monetary amount was to be between $10-15. So, being broke, I root through my DVD collection. I found an un-opened copy of Party Monster. I figure it's wacky, silly, and the right price range. I was told by family and friends that a White Elephant gift exchange entails bringing a silly gift. So my choice in movie would be appropriate.

I had the neighbor gift-wrap the movie, since I'm a loser with no Xmas paper handy. She did a real fancy job, so I thought I was set. However, minutes before my DD (designated driver) showed up, I notice my son come out of his room with a movie in his hand. Upon closer inspection, I notice that it's Party Monster, completely unwrapped. So I'm fucked, the neighbors aren't home, and the paper is in shreds.

I hear a honk in the driveway. I grab the cover off the recent rolling stone, crunch it around the movie, and wrap it up with white elecrtical tape. Looked dope.

Fast forward back to the party. All the gifts are sitting on the table, wrapped all pretty and shit. Real fucking cute. And there's my gift looking like it was done by my son. Which technically, was true. We have our dinner, which was great, followed by a Dom Perignon (sp? if you know how, then fuck off, I'm lazy) toast. Then the gift exchange starts.

The first fucking gift is a fucking Crown Royal gift set with two high-ball glasses. I'm like, "Fuck, this is going to be embarrasing." Gifts that followed included, Baileys Irish Creme, a Bar set, $25 Home Depot cards, dope candle sets, and a Spongebob TVGame. Upon seeing that last item come out I gank it from the fool that opened it. See, shit that other people open can be stolen twice by other participants, and then it's their's to keep. So I'm the first one to steal it.

I come back from the bathroom after my 8th drink, and announce loudly to the group, "Hey, Hey, Hey, seriously, I just want to let you know that none of you bastards better steal that spongebob game from me. My son is a fucking spongebob freak. He's a cute little boy with cancer and he would KILL FOR THAT SHIT!!"
There were a few laughs and go sit down.

The gift exchange continues and my gift is the LAST FUCKING ONE ON THE TABLE. So you know the suspense when it comes to the last gift. I decide this is a good time to go to the bathroom again, so I wouldn't have to see the look on the poor fucker's face when he gets shafted by my gift. Turns out that my immediate superior got it. He had no fucking clue about the movie and was less than enthused. I leaned over and told him, "Merry Christmas" I don't think that helped.

So to end shit shorter than it could be, turns out that a shitload of people thought I was serious when I said that my son had cancer. One dude asked my friend and fellow technicican, "Does his son really have cancer?"

"No," DD replied.

" Then why would anyone say something like that? Wishing cancer upon their child?" he responded.

So I'm sure when I go back to work on monday, I'm gonna have a crap-basket full of sympathy cards and shit. That's gonna be a fucking blast. Tune in...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Posted by Hello

Keep your comments to yourself, but I need to learn to shut the fuck up sometimes. So does my son.

Thanksgiving, I rolled up to my folks house in Oregon, to spend some quality family time and all that. I took my son with me, which was a blast. But anyway, my parents had a whole lot of older people from their church over for dinner. The ones who didn't have any family in town, or were just plain annoying.

So after dinner my son goes on the tooth-brushing rampage. He's a freak for dental hygiene, which is a good thing. But if you brush your teeth too much, it can cause gum damage. (both my sisters are dental hygienists) So we have a rule that he brushes only after bath time. So now he wants to take a bath. I tell him that he can't until everybody goes home.

Well, he takes that advice, and promptly runs out to the living room. He goes up to Phyllis, this 87 year old lady in a wheelchair, and screams "GO HOME!!" I'm just hoping nobody heard him when he repeats himself....10 times. So now I'm pegged as having the devil child. Though, yelling at old people has always been a subject of humor for me.

Later on, they were all talking about the Passion of the Christ. Some where discussing why they chose to not watch the film. I pipe in with this gem:

"Well, you should watch it. After seeing what Jesus went through, it makes bouncing a check or losing your job not seem so bad."


I killed the conversation. It took them a full 5 minutes of uncomfortable silence to find another topic to discuss. I thought it was a logical point, but alas, they did not.

I'll post about "Black Friday" tomorrow. Getting up at 3:30am to go shopping can have interesting side effects.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Good Lord

There's going to be a whammy of a thanksgiving post coming up. Stay tuned for tomorrow late nite...

Monday, November 22, 2004

We don't exist!!!

Posted by Hello

Remeber when you could call a company and talk to a real person? Yeah, well those days are fucked. And if you do, by some miracle, get connected to a person before you pass out from hunger & dehydration for waiting to long, they can't speak the fucking language. Everytime.

I tried to call AT&T/Cingular to pay my bill. I went online first, of course, but my number was not recognized. Probably due to my cancelling service, because their customer support is equivalent to a sweat shop in Poland. (they do exist)

So I call them and get some cute fucking automated voice that can understand my speech. Or so I thought. The fucking machine kept running me around in circles for ever. It couldn't match my social security number to the fucking account number or some shit. Then the bitch would tell me that she'd connect me to a real person, only to be fucking re-routed through the same shit again.

Why is it when they want money, they can sure as fuck get ahold of you, but when you wanna pay, they make it a fucking adventure? Baby I got yo' money. But now I"m finna spend it on crack instead.

It finally took me YELLING, literally, "You stupid fucking machine, let me talk to a real fucking person right fucking NOW." Over 10 times, before the machine realized my superior debating skills, and gave up. But it got its revenge, as I was put into a call queue for over 30 minutes.

I gave up after 10. Fuck AT&T, and fuck machines.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Animal Cruelty

Posted by Hello

Read this article. I want to hear your experiences with animal cruelty. Did you ever throw your cat off your obscenely high roof to see if it would really land on its feet? How long can your brother's new puppy hold it's breath?

Or perhaps you pulled the kitten with a bottle rocket taped to its tail. Tell me.

I feel that assaulting the rooster from hell was not enough for me. Not so bad, in other words. This mean cock would assault me everytime I went to gather the eggs. It got to the point where I'd have to carry a baseball bat with me. Of course, after I mustered my courage, I began to fuck with it on purpose, hoping to get a whack at that shit. Well, over the course of the next couple of weeks, word of my cock spread around and the neighborhood kids starting coming to see it. To play with it, so to speak. Many ran home crying with cuts and blood on their jeans.

All because of my cock. Well, I was away one evening and my father went out to get the eggs. He noticed the terrible beast and its behavior. He promptly went to get his rifle. He shot it three times, point blank. It went limp.

An hour later, when I arrived home for dinner, he told me what he did. I then asked why the rooster was walking around the pasture. He said that was impossible. But my friends, he was. This only made my dad more upset, so he gathered the axe. Off with his head, but the fucker still ran around for nearly an hour before giving up his life without his weapon of choice.

That's a tough cock to beat.

So, what're your stories?

Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Tides Have Turned

Posted by Hello Now men can be the whores we were meant to be. (and trying to sleep with)

We can tell those women that mysteriously show up nine months after a drunken hook-up involving fresh linens anda few barnyard animals, "I'm sorry, Miss, I was on the Shot."

Imagine the look on her face as she would (no-doubt) turn her head in shame, while stammering incoherant sentances.

Why the hell can't scientists, who can put a damn man on the moon, come up with a shot that renders us humans immune to STD's? Let's face it, condoms blow goats. They may help your 2-pump chump, but they're hardly intimate & personal. It's like saying, "I'm going to stick my bishop in your funbox, but I don't trust you (read: love you) enough to accept the consequences of my most likely drunken choice."

Real fucking romantic there.

With the shot, you could pretend you trust (read: love) the person you're with for the moment. Never under-estimate the power of ignorance.

After all, ignorance is bliss, and so is knowing you won't have to show the doctor your puss-filled love momento.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Fools Posted by Hello

Alright Mr. Carl fucking Jr. I will not starve without you. You are an ass.

Who the fuck can't crack a fucking egg? Seriously. I've never seen a man wandering in the meat aisle, unsure what to buy. That's pretty damn gay. You take the meat, season it up with whatever you have and throw it on the damn BBQ. It's that damn easy. Get some 5 minute noodles and you're set.

Do you advertising exec's think you're cute? For god's sake. If a man can't crack open a fucking egg, he deserves to die. I'm sure you CEO's who can't fucking wash their own clothes can identify with that shit. But it's fucking stupid. Without you, guy's would lose weight, you fucking butt pirates.

You know what else shit's the bed? The six dollar burger. For $3.95. Hmm, a deal right? Well, when you pay the six bucks at a restaraunt, you get fries and a drink. So, a large order of fries and a large drink at Carl's will set you back 3 bucks, minimum. Suddenly $6.95 isn't such a hot fucking deal. Not to mention; when you go to a sit-down joint, they actually cook that fucking patty of beef, dress it up with fresh veggies, and make it TASTE good. I'd rather wait another 5 minutes knowing that my food is coming to me fresh, unique, and most likely cooked without the minimum wage rage that most fast-food workers posess.

So fuck you Carl's Jr. Fuck you and the fun boys you roll with. I'll crack my own fucking eggs.

Monday, November 08, 2004

San Francisco

Well, I had a blast. Rolled over to Amoeba for my first time and bought some shit with Serg. That store is fucking boss. I had to restrain myself, and still spent nearly a hundred bucks.

While the wife's away, the boy's will play. And pay. Before we went out, I downed all but a few shots of a 1/5 of Wet, this tasty new gin by BeefEater. Simply delicious. We then went out for chinese food, and that's when I noticed that it was getting hard to act sober. The food was very good, but I have no idea what I ordered. It was red chicken. Pretty sure it was Mother's Chicken, but I can't be sure.

We hop in a cab and head for Milk, this pretty cool DJ Bar/Lounge where Stef was set to spin. I immediately go and meet the bartender, and ask him what his strongest drink is, and how much it's gonna set me back. It was a Hurricane, or Slurricane, for just under 10 bones. No biggie, so I order it. I'm drinking it as people start to flow in. Stef's getting warmed up in the rear of the club, getting ready to tear shit up.

From that point on, the night's a blur. I remember sitting on the stage listening to Stef spin, and it was HOT. The temperature, as well as her skills on the 1's & 2's, that is. So I ditch my hoodie, and represent my sleeveless John Deere shirt. I'm all fucking class.

The whiskey 'n' cokes to follow the slurricane become too much, and I decide that I must go outside for some air and a smoke. I guess sitting down was too comfy, because I awoke surrounded by cops talking to the doormen. I look around for Serg and Stef, and they're nowhere to be found. They wouldn't let me back in, for some reason, and the cop wouldn't listen to my drunken rantings and ravings about being lost in this fucked up hippy city. (I love SF, by the way) Come to think of it, I'm surprised they didn't cuff me for public intoxication. I was WELL over the fucking limit.

So being the Magellan that I am, I figure I can walk back to their apartment. So here I am, drunk off my ass, in freezing weather wearing a sleevless shirt, bald head, stomping through the sloped streets of SF, fists clenched, cursing my idiocy for not bringing the hoodie outside. I was fucking power-walking, not even paying attention to shit, when I realize that I'm fucking LOST. No damn clue where I am, and only a vauge idea of where I'm going. You could cut glass with my nipples.

Out of nowhere, I realize that this is a big city. Big cities have cabs. Sweet. Well, I must have looked like a serial killer, because it took like 6 cabs for one to stop and pick me up. Serg finally answered my call when they got home, but by then, I was in a cab heading to their casa. By phone records, I think I got to their apartment around 2:30. I made a drink, probably only had a sip, and tried to crawl into a sleeping bag. People, that's harder than it sounds. I was out in minutes.

By the way, they turned me onto this show on BBC America, "Trailer Park Boys". I had caught a few glimpses of it while turning channels before, but DAMN. That is some funny fucking shit right there. Get it.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

It is done

I have registered the domain for liquidpersonality.com. I now need hosting suggestions, and tech help to get this piece of shit transferred there. When it's done, it will be ONE BILLION times better. Mostly 'cuz I can post pictures, which would be rad.

Top 10 Movie Badasses of All Time

For no reason what-so-ever, here are the top 10 movie badasses of All Time. The list is complete, and correct, so no bitching, bitches:

10.)Martin Briggs - "Lethal Weapon" Series
He's crazy, complete with mullet, and he can dislocate his shoulder at will. Plus, he has to put up with Danny Glover's constant bitching.

9.)Walter Sobchak - "The Big Lebowski"
'Mark it zero Smokey! Mark it zero!!!'

8.)Mr. Blonde/Vic Vega - "Resevoir Dogs"
'Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?' I mean, the dude was gonna light a cop on fire. Cool. AFTER CUTTING HIS EAR OFF. Total badass.

7.)John McClane - "Die Hard" Trilogy
'Yippie kay-yay mother fucker'
So many people have used and abused that cute little saying. Ok, short tally here:
Running barefoot through a room of broken glass? Check.
Walking through Harlem with an, 'I hate niggers' sign? Check.
Putting up with Airport Security? Check and Check.
Plus, he had to put up with Samuel L. Jackson's constant bitching.

6.)John Shaft - "Shaft" (1971)
C'mon, it's in the song people. 'He's one bad motha...Shut yo mouth!'

5.)Sean Connery - "James Bond" Series
People, Sean Connery IS the only Bond. Get the fuck over it.

4.)Conan - "Conan, the Barbarian"
Sorry, but I only chose this movie, because he's a FUCKING BARBARIAN. A well placed M-80 can be a 'destroyer', but never a barbarian. Not to mention he could actually pick up that Buick sized sword.

3.)Bruce Lee - "Um, all his movies"
Hate if you want, but the dude revolutionized the popularity of martial arts films as we know them today. Well, and he died kicking ass. Even if it was 'Hollywood' ass.

2.)Jules Winnfield - "Pulp Fiction"
Cant have a list without Sammy on it. And what a fucking movie this was. Quoting scripture a very not-nice tone before planning to kill someone is badass. Bitching about brains gettin' in your afro is badass. Having another brother on the list is badass.

1.)Dirty Harry - "All 5 baby"
This series has been quoted, punned, played, tricked, mocked, mimmiced and idolized to death. But when you sit your pasty ass down and watch Clint spit those famous lines, you feel like maybe tonight you don't have to wet the bed after all. Maybe you can leave that closet door open. But in all honestly, Clint should have stopped the career there. Everything after "The Dead Pool" is waste.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

It's not funny anymore

Why the fuck does Hollywood insist that playing off racial stereotypes in films is funny? That shit stopped being funny when Richard Pryor stopped making movies. Well, slightly before that. Seriously, the whole, "white guy hanging out with a black guy pretending he doesn't fit in" is fucking stale.

And how exactly is it fucking socially acceptable for the Wayans to dress up white? Female-white at that? Sure, rich white girls are a burden to society, but what the fuck? How is that funny? Instead of shelling out your money to rent that, why not go to your nearest Gucci store and yell bitch at every female that walks out of there? Trust me, there's much more comedy in that.

This is something Serg from beer and rap kinda touched on, but he was talking about the fools who dress up for fun and halloween like that. I'm talking to the fucking jews in L.A.. STOP. I fucking hate Steve Martin for making "Bringing down the House". Queen Latifah can eat the crust of my taint. Oh, Jackie Chan, you should have stopped at "Rush Hour". Though to be fair, Chris Tucker should have stopped before he made "Money Talks". This shit all should have stopped with "48 hours". That was the apex.

Hey, Chris Rock (an avid reader, no doubt), what the fuck? You're a funny little man on stage, but no sane person can pretend that your anything on screen. "Bad Company" had to be a misprint. You and Anthony Hopkins? Come on. I should slap the both of you. I'll just continue under the impression you were both drinking heavily when that gem of a script landed in your lap. Oh, and you're also guilty for not-funny white-black comedy with "Head of State". Watching you pretend to get old white people to 'get funky' isn't comedy gold. It's the corn in my crap.

I could go on for days, but I have to go dress up as a pimp, crawl into my escalade with 24's, and listen to the new Snoop.

Thursday, October 21, 2004


I fucked up yesterday at work. I don't mean I mistakingly called the boss an asshole. Or that I filled the red color ink with blue. It's not like I even got a speeding ticket in the work van. No, I couldn't get off that easy. Instead, I drilled through a water pipe. In an existing home. While the home owners were there. They make millions. They watched water spray across their entire living room. They watched me yell like a submarine captain, "Shut off the main valve!! DO IT NOW!!"

I suck.

But really, how the fuck was I supposed to know it was there? Stud finders don't work for shit, so I'm not to trust a copper-finder, if they exist. It took the plumber a half hour to fix, and it cost $300. I'm in the wrong field of work, lemme tell you.

It all worked out in the end, though I still feel like a horse's ass. But that's not so different from normal.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Jared fucking Fogel

I've kept my mouth shut during the internet's obsession with slamming Jared from Subway. But now that the fad has faded, I just have one thing to say...

So what? He lost a lot of weight, but he's stayed the same since he's become famous. So, in reality, he's advertising that, in the long run, eating Subway sandwiches makes you become a pasty white male with bitch tits. He's not still losing weight, that's certain. I haven't seen him hold up a size 38 pair of levi's, bragging about his current 36's. What the fuck man-boobs? Lemme see a six pack, and I'll shut up.

By the way, go rent Super Size me if you haven't seen it. Terrific film, and I'm starving now. God damn Ronald Mcdonald.

Friday, October 15, 2004

What a disgusting day...

I was heading to a job after a healthy Del Taco lunch when I took a drag off my cigarette. No big deal, except that it triggered my gag reflex, and I quickly had to vomit. You know when you have to throw up (and you're sober), you've only got a few precious seconds to find something to spew in. My only option was a Home Depot plastic bag. I grabbed it, while driving with one shaking knee (in the fast lane) and opened it, spilling my guts into it. I continue to have to vomit into the bag, while driving with no hands, trying to look at the road, for the next few minutes, while I try to manuver to the side of the road. Since there was no place to pullover, immediately, I eventually found myself in a professional building's parking lot, finishing off.

Since I'm in a company rig, there's no way I can dump the bag, uptight rich assholes would call me in, for sure. No trash can around. Fuck. So I wrap it in another plastic bag. So I finish the job, all the while my vomit sack is sitting in the work van. On the drive home; again, with no trash cans around, I get stuck in bumper to bumper traffic...with a sack of vomit right beside me. Disgusting, but funny.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Da boat

So I spent this weekend at Lake Shasta with some friends getting fucking tanked. Well...I was, anyway. Yeah...

I woke up around 4:45am saturday morning, and got the wife and kid in the car. I felt like a kid on Christmas morn. We pack up and head out, arriving at Bailey cove right around 9:30. I basically shoo the wife and kid off and open up my bag of liquid personality. Bam! A fifth of So-Co is gone by 12:30, and I start acting like a drunken cheerleader yelling for my friends to do flips and shit while riding behind the boat.

In retrospect, I should have been more supportive of their efforts. Because before I knew it, it was my turn to get behind the boat. Thank god I had some liquid courage. I start off on the knee-board, since I was too drunk to balance. No problems getting up, doing spins, but when I tried to clear the wake, I ate shit. Repeatedly. I still taste the fucking lake when I spit up a fatty phlem wad.

So we get off the boat at some time, and dresss in our fancies to go to Dry Creek Station, where we were met with 5 dollar long-island iced tea, and $15 dollar all-you-can-eat ribs. Though I opted for the prime rib & prawns, the conversation was nill due to extreme hunger.

I have a habit (not really bad) of really getting to know whoever is serving me food. Especially when I'm drunk.

"What's your name?" I ask.
"(name removed due to excessive alcohol intake)" she replied.
"Good, I hate getting my food from someone I don't know. "

She smile a bit oddly, and walked away with our orders. As soon as she rounds the corner, I realize that I forgot her name already.

"What's your name?" I ask.
She tells me again, and I respond with "Good, I hate getting my food from somone I don't know."

I did the same thing with the bartender, a fat, homely girl who was pleased to be treated so kindly by the sexy me and my sexxy boyz. This resulted in us receiving cheap drinks, to excess. She was going off on how she was such a nice girl, who rarely parties, etc. It was only later that I found out she has a breathalyzer attached to her car, and is on house arrest for her 3rd DUII. This was funny. So was me begging her to let me blow on her device, "just for fun". I'm sure I woulda hit .20 by that point.

So we hang around waiting for a few more guys in out party to arrive in Redding. Kareoke starts, and that's when I shine my best. Not becuase I can sing particularly well, but becuase I heckle with the best of them. I kept shouting sexual advances to a group of 10-ish year old girls who I guess are like this little bar's pride and joy. (Thus explaining the prescence of severe minors in a bar) Most people, I'm guessing their families, were not so amused.

I was asked to leave (mostly by my old boss, I think) after screaming out, "YOU SUCK!" to some dude singing some country bullshit song. I would have shown them all how it's done, but I was too drunk to read the song list. Too many numbers and whatnot. Their loss.

All this resulted in me waking up at 1:30am monday morning UNABLE TO WALK. Hypokalimia or some shit like that. My legs were cramped to all hell, and there was nothing I could do about it. All day at the emergency room led to me getting doped up with some cool pills to take home. I guess I just can't get drunk like a normal person anymore.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Six Flags


I went to Six Flags Marine World in Vallejo on Sunday. It was awesome. Perfect time of year to avoid crowds. Towards the evening, after 6, there was like NO ONE in line for the coasters. If we didn't have our son with us, we could have ridden Medusa (pure sickness) all night long. I got to see dolphins doing cute little tricks, a whale doing cute little tricks, and baby tigers, which were cuter than a pile of babies and puppies licking each other.

I did get to see a group of adult retards who were let loose of their home for the day. This one guy, dressed to impress with a stylish black helmet, was drooling while sitting near a palm tree. He kept looking at me, then to the empty space next to him. Kinda creepy, very little cuteness.

I made my friend, who was hopped up on Dramamine go on some true coasters. I thought he was going to pass out. I've never seen a full grown male so afraid of anything in my life. Alas, he survived, and stepped one step closer to manhood. Good boy, good boy.

Now that I know what time of year to go, and that it's only like an hour from my casa, I'm gonna get some season passes for next year. It'd be nice to just say, "Hell, I'm bored, let's drive a little bit and ride a coast, drink an $8 dollar beer, and come home". Be back in three hours, with a bit more adrenaline in your system.

That's the only bad thing about theme parks. I saw so many dads walking out of gift shops looking like they just visited the proctologist. They RAPE you there. It's not bad enough you have to pay 49 bucks admission, 10 bucks for parking, and 8 dollars for a beer (bill gates couldn't get drunk there), but they insist on charging 20 bones for a fucking disposable camera. I thought the food was cheap, 'till I noticed that the sandwich price was just the sandwich. Another 3 bucks was needed for fries, and another 3.75 for a soda. Damn. Oh well, I'm finna roll in there with my son's stroller packed full of goodies next year.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Why the fuck don't they put some shopping carts towards the rear of the grocery store? Or at least setup some fucking carry carts or something. I go in the grocery store to buy some tampons for the little lady, and I end up walking out looking like a human jenga puzzle, with shit stacked all across my torso, carefully balanced, while avoiding glares from people noticing the huge box of tampons.

These posts are short because my computer is shit. I'll buy a new one in a week or so. Until then, check this shit out. That fool got off lucky. Good thing he's not the crack-head that stole my shit.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Mouth Fart

Sometimes I can't help wandering what society would be like if we farted out of our mouths. I'm sure that people with halitosis would consider it a blessing, considering everybody would have shit-mouth. Imagine some actress whipping out a fart-bag during an important award ceremony. I think that would humble a lot of assholes, for sure. No pun intended.

Oh, I gotta go. My wife is bent over picking up toys, and for some reason it's the sexiest thing I've seen in forever.

Gotta get me some.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Joe's Crab Shack

So tonight I went out to dinner with a friend that I work with, his wife, my wife, and another couple to some over-publicized place called Joe's Crab Shack for dinner and drinks. Basically, it was o.k.. Except for the fact the place was crawling with tourists and pretentious assholes. Oh, and the hour long wait to be seated. And the staff dancing every 15 minutes to some sorry-ass has been song like the Macarena.

On a good note, the wife was seated at the bar, and was carded for drinks. Though she is not of legal age, the bartender was hip, and let her drink anyway. Too bad they charge ten bucks for a fucking mai tai. 5.50 for a damn beer. Our tab for dinner minus drinks was over $50 bucks. My ass still hurts.

The only thing that was funny was watching my 35 year old friend get up and put on a grass skirt holding two plastic crabs while we sang happy birthday. He was required to say, "I'm (name-removed), it's my birthday, and I have crabs" at every pause during the song. That was pretty cute.

Strippers are funny.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Random Thoughts

-Did you ever have that kid in elementary school that was crazy? Not retarded; at least in the 'needs special attention' sense, but just plain crazier-than-a-shithouse-rat kinda crazy. You know, the kid that always smelled like syrup and moldy socks. Our resident psycho was a redhead, with not-so-complimentary freckles. He actually socked the hottest teacher we had in the mouth, and held the bus hostage for the better part of two hours. And he was back at school three days later.

This was well before columbine, kids. Kids could bring guns to school, and get a verbal warning because there was no lock on the trigger. There were kung-fu fights everyday after school, where some fucking button-pusher would try Scorpian's finishing move wearing plain shoes on wet grass, and wind up with nothing more than a phone call home, and grass stains on his tushy.

-I have a bad habit of saying, "Your Mom" to any question that I'm asked. I can't graduate High School in my mind or some shit. So tonight, my 3 year old comes up to me while I'm cooking. I'm always kinda zoning whilst I cook, and rarely pay attention.

"Whatcha doooooIN?" he asked.
"Your mom," I replied.

It's so hard to stop laughing when you know someone truly doesn't get what you just said, yet wants to laugh with you, in order to be part of the funny. Especially when it's your son.

Family Matters.

Friday, September 17, 2004

it's raining men

The treasure is found. I got my car back. Shit yeah. Fuckers took 1/2 my tools, but left the CD player, along with a shitload of their personal CD's. I have a lot of shitty music now. I've never seen such a diverse collection. Obviously, they belonged to other people who's car these fucks stole.
Here's some of them (incomplete):

CD'S for free:

Metallica - And justice for all

EverClear - So much for the afterglow

Led Zepplin - Unknown w/ black dog

Mary J. Blige - The Tour

311 - Self Titled

Sammy Hagar - Unboxed

Bush - Sixteen Stone

Mariah Carey - Greatest Hits (disc one)

Creed - Human Clay

Fleetwood Mac - Greatest Hits (duplicate)

Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown (burnt)

Eric Clapton - Timepieces Vol. II (burnt)

Santana - Shaman (burnt)

Fleetwood Mac - The Dance

Totally HIts 2001

The Allman Brothers Band and Wet Willie

Lauren Hill - The Miseducation of...

Peter Frampton - Frampton comes alive

Mix Cd's - VIII

Now That's What I call Music Vol. 9

Nine Inch Nails - The downward spiral (burnt)

The Who - The Ultimate Collection Vol. I (burnt)

Rolling Stones - Let it Bleed (burnt)

Suicidal Tendancies - FreeDumb (burnt)

Oyster Head - The Grand Pedring Order (burnt)

Phish - No title (burnt)

Phis - Dogs stole things (burnt)

Peter Frampton - No Title (burnt)

Switchfoot - No Title (burnt)

Meat Loaf - Bat out of Hell II (back into hell)

Fleetwood Mac - Say you will (burnt)

Dishwalla - Opalint (burnt)

U2 - All that you can't leave behind (burnt)

Ben Harper - Fight for you Mind

Prince - 1999 (single, b/w How come u don't call me anymore & D.M.S.R)

The Best of Van Morrison (burnt)

Scarface - My homies

Shania Twain - Come on Over

2 pac - Until the end of Time (disc 1, burnt)

Metallica - St. Anger

8 Mile Soundtrack

Metallica - Master of Puppets (burnt)

Creed - Weathered

2 Pac - R U still down, disc 1

2 Pac - Greatest Hits, disc 1

R Kelly - Greatest Hits, disc 1 (?)

R Kelly - Greatest Hits, disc 2

AudioSlave - Self Titled

Southwest Riders, disc 2

Westside Connection - Terrorist Threats

Some hip hop CD that I couldn't find a title to

Hervi's Odd Couple - Thug Mania (the CD is so fucking funny looking)

Twista - Mobstability (burnt)

Notorious BIG - Ready to Die

Goodie Mob - World Party
But you know what? The cops just threw a bunch of shit into the car that was in their house, and drove it here. They told me to keep what I wanted if the shit was theirs, and throw the rest away. So I'm out some tools, but got a Stanley Wrench/Socket set and a bunch of car-stealing tools. I guess it's win-win. Except for the fact you can start my car with a screwdriver, and the shit smells like Rod Stewart after the weekend. It's fucking Christmas.

I need money. Hook it up.

Holy shit, I was watching this VH1 channel the other day. It's like VH1-345 or some shit. Anyways, I was in a daze, and this fucking video came on. If you haven't seen it, do it. DO IT. Mah god, I was horrified. It looks like some cable access shit full of ugly men and fat bitches. I couldn't stop laughing.

I can do that shit.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Thanks Asshole

Thank you so much for jacking my fucking car. It was a relative piece of shit, you fucking turd. As if this state doesn't suck enough ass, now I have no car. Also, thanks for stealing my tools that were in it. The only thing in my tool bag you're qualified to use was the fucking screwdriver. But even that probably confuses you since it's 10-in-1. You suck so much of my ass. But guess what? Come and try that shit again. Go ahead. I won't even lock the fucker. You know why? 'Cuz you're on candid camera, monkey balls. That's right. A fucking $700 dollar camera and vcr can fucking show every god damn pimple on your stupid faggot-face. Better hope I don't catch you driving my shit down the interstate. I pack heat, shit-stain.

Anyways, now that I have that out of my system, I think I have a problem. I ordered cable with all the possible channels. But every damn night, there's a Steven Segal movie on. AND I CAN'T STOP WATCHING THEM. Why am I so obsessed with a soft-hand slap-happy pot-belly that runs like a fucking girl? This shit has got to stop.

Tomorrow I get to meet the CPA for a bunch of NBA atheletes, and wire his guest house. Which is roughly the size of Rhode Island. What a way to start a fucking job. If I fuck up once, he'll cancel any pending jobs with whiny rich atheletes. Woo-fucking-hoo.

I decided not to continue the Bachelor Party story, since it's probably only funny to parties involved. But FF did end up M.I.A. by the end of the night. Who knows where he is now.


Saturday, September 11, 2004

The Bachelor Party

Well, here we go. Let's start by stating that the names of parties involved have been changed to protect the innocent. This is who showed up: Deadbeat (DB), HotRod (HR), MeanDrunk (MD), GothBoy (GB), FastFood (FF), and Eric Baker, who currently resides in Bend, Oregon. (contact me for more information)

Well, me, DB and Eric packed all of my useless shit into a fucking huge 24ft moving truck, and rolled down to Sac-Town. The trip was rather uneventful, except for the fucking weigh station. Out of all the trucks that move down the I-5 corridor, they thought that my fucking truck looked like it needed inspecting. Thankfully, they didn't look inside the cargo-hold, since I usually travel with 50 kilos or more of heroin. Instead, they wasted a half-hour of my time checking the brakes and all that shit on the moving truck. It was a little creepy being in such close proximity to a Cop, and having nothing to fear. I'm so used to being a fucking suspect, hoping they don't have any deep-ridden desires to finger my butt.

Let's just skip forward to Reno, NV, where the night truly began. (I'll skip the part about Eric Baker, of Bend, Oregon being a bitch about unloading the truck) We arrive in Reno at a time which I cannot remember. I do recall DB being so fucking adament about purchasing new shoes. After a 30 minute detour on our set course, we finally found a PayLess. Well, DB cannot find a pair of shoes to fit his fucking snow-shoes-for-feet that he likes. He finally settles on a pair of black clogs that are "too square" for his feet. Listen, if you can ski downhill on a mountain without a set of K2's, then you're probably not going to find a shoe on a whim that fits your desire. But I got a pair of shoes for hella cheap, cuz I'm a normal man.

So we roll over to Circus Circus (cuz saying it one time isn't enough; fucking Pizza, Pizza). The room was waaay more than we were originally quoted, so we bounce. Who wants to stay at the fucking county fair on their bachelor party anyway? Fucking clowns.

We procure our room at the Silver Legacy, 30 bucks cheaper, and a hella nice room. Finally, HR shows up, and we hit a buffet, to lessen our drunken pains to follow. Only, we missed the fucking BILLBOARD saying that this was s0me special "International Night", which jacked the price up significantly. Eric Baker, of Bend, Oregon, was a little strapped for cash, but he manned up, and paid the fare.

After bitching constantly that I needed to get drunk (which entails much more than the watered-down free cocktails) the night becomes a blur. Though I remember the entire night, I'd rather just give you fools some highlights:

-DB was asked, while pissing, if "I can see it" (referring to his penis, I assume)

-Eric got broker, so I gimped him along, on my feeble winnings (fucker made bank when I passed out)

-My nipples were literally rubbed raw by the damn shirt I bought. I had to find a fucking mini-market that sold band-aids (which is remarkably hard) to cure the problem. Then some whore was yabbering on about how she'd never heard a male talk about his nipples as much as I do. Bitch, at least my dick is worth more than your nightly charge, which we all heard, by the way.

-I recall screaming the Jack Black yell in, "Saving Silverman" (comin' at ya yiiiiiiii-haaaaaah) at least 20 times.

Then came the obligatory strip club visit. On the way there, I appearantly pissed out the Sacramento River on some poor business (that part was omitted from my memory) . Anyways, the night started to get pretty foggy. GB and all my men purchased a 'special dance' for me. It entailed me crawling my fat, drunk-as-shit ass onto the runway for a treat. They brought out a chair, and had me sit in it, making sure that my hands were behind my back. (as opposed to on their tits, I imagine) Brothers, Fantasy Girls is not for kids. Two girls came on stage and fucked my brains out. I don't mean that I had intercourse with them, but they humped the shit out of my skull. I was in pain nearly the entire dance. They kept doing trapese shit and banging my head into the dance pole behind my head. Fucking masochists.

To be continued....

Friday, September 10, 2004

Hello Again....Hello

Well, forget the hyperlinks, kids.

I have so much material, it's burning in my mind. I hardly know where to begin. Let's just start from fresh, after the beginning. Today, I found myself wandering through Roseville, looking for a particular store. On our route, I came across a most disturbing image.

Imagine riding with your family (or future family, you single losers) and coming across a store. Not like any other, but unlike anything you've ever seen. An 80 year old woman was hunched over the sidewalk. Nothing too crazy there. But what was on the pavement was definitely a surprise.

Vomit. (eat the spaces serg) That's right. The second day that I spend in this stupid state floods me with images of senior citizens vomiting outside of Mervyns (I thought they went out of business).

People, there are tales to tell. A tattoo artist with a lisp, drunken screams of 'comin' at ya yeeeeee-haaaaaahhhh', homosexuals asking to see it, retarded in-laws, and much, much more. Thanks for keeping in touch, fools.

Now go here, and do something worthwhile with your life. Dig? Bad movie, my ass.

Peace and deer meat grease....

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Hey Kiddies

It'll be a few days before I put up another quality post like you're used to. It'll be worth the wait, though. Bachelor party is done, and full of the funny. Plus, I'll have the honeymoon, and the wedding to go over as well. Be good, and have sex with strangers for money/favors.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Last day blindness

It's my last day here at work. 3.5 years or so, and I'm out this bitch. Kinda sad. Just fingering your butt, I'm stoked as hell. Time to go make some damn money. Get mine, and get back, ya fucks.

Check this shit out. I went a little blind yesterday. Crazy. I was over in the valley showing my replacement where to go to get jobs and shit all day. We head back after a rigorous two hours at The Music Coop in Ashland. On our way back, I decide to take a funky route, which leaded to me having to shit napalm. So we roll up to this li'l rest area, and there's a car parked in front of the four shit-stalls. Now, there's no way to tell which one is occupied, because Oregon doesn't know about the deadbolt that states occupancy on the outside of the door. SSSHHH, don't tell.

Anyways, I take a guess, and head for the far right stall. Buddy, I guessed WRONG. As I open the door, laughing at some comment I had made to my replacement, I slowly panned my head in the direction of the opening door....

...........just in time to see a 65 year old lady, mid-shit with TP in hand, deer-in-headlights-eyes, STANDING TO TRY AND CLOSE THE DOOR. By standing, I mean that drunken, akward crouch you do with your pants around your ankles, trying to reach for the extra TP roll under the sink, which is located just three feet too far away.

"Oh, Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed, backing away in horror.

She kept muttering in excited, nervous tones as the door closed, reaching for the lock. I swear to God, that lady will probably never, EVER, use a bathroom without locking it first. I'm sure my fits of laughter after the blindess subdued did not help her self-esteem any. In fact, I wasn't aware that a '97 Olds could burn rubber like that. Embarrasment is a powerful thing, I guess.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Stupid fucking Olympics

I swore when I started this shit that I wasn't going to go off on the Olympics. But, as your luck would have it, I find a lot of time to watch people run for a hunk of tin. Or gold, whatever. I saw some shit on the other night, as I was well into my 8th whiskey, that made me spill my drink with awe and disgust. Well, those who know me, know spilling the drink is just like punching a Catholic Priest, shitting on the pulpit, and jacking off on the Virgin Mary. That shit just AIN'T COOL.

Race-walking. That's what I saw. Fucking RACE-walking. It looks like a bunch of fucking soccer moms that all have the massive squirts trying to get to the toilet first. It's a fucking pathetic display of athletic prowess. Yeah, so they do this silly diareaha walk for 20k. Big deal. If I had to take a crap that bad, and was on national TV, I'd walk 40k. Whoopity shit. Who fucking decided this was Olympic worthy? There's already some stupid nancy-pansy bullshit events like fucking badmitton and water polo. Did the ninny's from Queer Eye get in the Olympic Chariman's pants? Cuz...yeah....the games aren't gay enough already.

Now, I'm not gay or anything, but I think Unicorns totallly kick ass. So do gymnastics. Seriously. That Paul Hamm guy may sound like fucking oompa-loompa, but he's got crazy flippingtwistingbalancing skills. Plus, he's gota twin brother that flips and shit too. I bet they get mad pussy all day long. Unless the stroke each other's nether regions instead. That'd be a fucking shame. Anyway, he's cooler than this Dolph-Lundgren fucking look-a-like that was on last night. He did some cutesy little prance 'n' dance, and the score was too low. So he pouts like a shit stained retard, and the crowd gets into it. Too many fucking gyros or some shit, and the crowd is pissed. Like a nazi watching Seinfeld kinda pissed. The judges ended up pussing out and giving him a few more points. Dolph lundgren still lost. I think. I was pretty drunk by that point and was having a hard time telling muscular germans and russians and persians apart.

To wrap things up without any pacing or style, here ya go.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

A little something for the hi and mighty...

Alright, gotta talk about this guy for a minute. Balls. Huge, brass, incredible balls on this guy. I mean, shit, that's a fucking feat right there. It's not like he did that shit whilst at a high school swimmeet or some shit. that's the damn OLYMPICS, CHUMP. I've never been to golden palace, but I'm damn sure thinking about checking it out. I bet he got his fucking ass beat down in the backroom though. Hope his paycheck was fucking fat.

People, my prayers have been answered. This is an idea of such awesomeness, it comes close to tying with giant piles of lesbians eating yogurt, and slapping old people until they cry. If this shit ever catches on in the states, I'm probably going to quit my new, high-paying job, and do that for a living. My only hope is that midgets get the job. It should be mandated that only midgets qualify to be a scooter-man. We could call them scooter-pooters. They'd have their own civilization based somewhere in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains. Yeah, but then that would fuck my chances of getting the job. So fuck the little crotch sniffers.

Quick note. Baker, your very own prayers have been answered as well.

Holy crap. This is the kinda prank that would piss me off soooo bad. Hahahaha, he rubs his face in 'em.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Last Night...

...I got drunk. No surprise there. But where I got drunk is a surprise. A bar. That's right kiddies, the ball and chain let me go out. Big mistake.

So I get back from work last night late, around 6:30 or so. On my way home, I pick up FatBastard and a bottle of booze. I get cleaned up, and we warm up; by sharing a 1/5 of my favorite whiskey, Monarch Reserve. With that under our belts, we head to the bar.

Arriving at the bar, FatBastard felt the need to tell me that he was drunk already. This is not good. This means I have to babysit and play pretend in order to procure more beverages from the already suspicious bartender. I saunter off to the bar and get us a couple glasses of miracle. FatBastard begins to show interest in the shuffleboard table, so I explain how the game is played. He is confused, but agrees to a match. Not long into our fun, two large-breasted (read:kryptonite) women approach us.

"Hey, whatcha doin'?" the nicer looking one says.

"Building a rocket," I reply, carefully studying her boobs.

"What?" she says, totally fucking lost.

"Playing shuffleboard. You got game?" (I am so urban it's scary)

So the two of them make introductions and we start playing. It seems that we cannot come to an agreement on the rules of the game. LeadBitch starts talking all of these bullshit rules, like I was trying to pass a bill in congress. SecondBitch is retarded, playing with the wax on the board.
After a few minutes (literally) I am bored and disgusted with the two of them. They start making comments like, "Gee, I'm thirsty." I knew it. They were fucking drink-hounds. Out to scavenge free drinks. I quickly tell them I'll be right back. I proceed to buy drinks for me, and FatBastard. And only us. This does not please the scavengers. LeadBitch goes to get drinks, and SecondBitch follows. They do not return.

I find which direction is east and begin to give thanks in prayer.

I then start kicking FatBastard's ass in every single game we play. I almost felt bad for him. Shuffleboard, Foosball, Ping-Pong, Pool. The kid has no bar talent. After that merciless beating, I go ahead and buy him a drink. I notice that the Bitches are sitting at the bar. They smile and wave, appearantly not remembering that they abandoned a game of shuffleboard, a hell-worthy sin in my book. (all that math for nothing) I walk past them with my drinks in hand.

"Hey, where are our drinks?" LeadBitch asks coyly.

"In the bottle; waiting to be poured and paid for, " I reply.

She doesn't like this response, though I can tell she was still trying to process what I meant by that. It's all good though, because a true hottie sitting next to her caught the brief exchange and laughs out loud. I give her a wink, and go back to the games.

Folks, let's do some quick addition here. K?

750ml of whiskey
2 dudes
happily buzzed
14 screwdrivers (that I recall)
2 happily buzzed dudes
1 happily drunk dude > 1 FatBastard puking...in a bank...ATM.

So he's herfing all over the place, apologizing profusely for being such a pussy, (Which is a good thing, since I would have called him that all night had he not) when I finally convince him we should go back inside, seeing how I left the bartender (read:bestfriend) a large tip, ensuring strong drinks all night.

I walk back in, and give the old nod 'n' wink to my bartender, and she quickly runs over.

"Back for more, eh?" She asks.

"Yes, two blackouts, please," and she quickly rounds up the two strongest drinks on earth.
(Pint glass, filled with 3 kinds of vodka, 151, tequila, triple sec, and a TINY splash of red bull on top)

People, this is one drink that has earned it's title. Forget the "Adios MotherFucker", or the "Irish Car Bomb". This drink delivers. Because after three (I distinctly remember 3) sips, my night ended.

Fade to black...


...ended as far as my conscience is concerned. I guess my night was not over. I awoke this morning at 9:30am, already late for work, and still drunk as fuck. I stumble through my shower/shave routine, trying to put the pieces together. I dress, kiss my girl (who wasn't nice at all...foreshadowing?) and head to work. I'm driving drunk...in the morning...great. I arrive at work, and empty my pockets. Receipts from the bar, good. I can tell I tipped well. 50% well. No wonder those drinks were so stout. I then scan the cell phone call log. At 12:53am, I called this number: 1574127631275. Gee, I wonder why it didn't go through?

I shamefully called my lady a little later, to ask how much of an ass I was the night before. A big one. A big, shiny, sweaty, hairy, totally-asstastic Ass. I need ideas for making the situation right. Flowers ARE NOT ENOUGH.

She proceeds to tell me that she called, saying that she couldn't pick me up, since our son had just fallen asleep. I go off on her, saying that I'll just fucking walk home, blah blah blah. So she drives down to the bar, waits outside, and some dude walks up to her and asks who she is. He then comes into the bar, and I go up to her window and yell at her, saying how embarassed I am and that she'll never understand. We get home, and I refuse to go in the house. She begs. She yells. I scream some comments that offend her greatly. I finally come in, fall on the couch, and pass-out.

She is the most wonderfull woman in the entire world, and she keeps me sane. Seriously, post some ideas on what would make things right with her again.

Oh, and here's the obligatory link.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Old Lady's playing dress-up.

Please click this. Take a look around on there. Now tell me, "What the fuck?!" This is officially the weirdest damn thing I've seen. They didn't even award them like, Ms. Vermont. They're all Ms. Respective Nursing Home/Nazi death camp. Sure, it's nice that they get a good feeling before realizing that the beauty in the pictures is standing on their oxygen hose, but I'd rather be pumped so full of narcotics, I spend my last days watching re-runs of Air Wolf. But that's just me.

Here's a fantastic prank to pull on someone close to you. I'd recommend doing it during the cold (read: icy) season. God bless Labatt Blue, you cheap shit, you.

This was something unexpected. As I watched it, I became more and more aroused. I believe there is many underlying messages in Sesame St., and these guys just happen to pick up on that shit. I'm not going to rant on the played out homosexuality on that show, because it's been done before. But it's gay. Really, really, really gay.

Seeing the preview for the new Exorcist movie made me remember when I met Linda Blair a couple of years ago at an Indian Casino (feather, not the dot). She was fugly as uck, but pretty normal beyond that. I kept asking her to say my favorite quote from the movie, "Your mother sucks cocks in hell!!" (awesome website *snicker*) But alas, she would not. So I did. Repeatedly. Enough for everyone in the casino to have their fill. Some people are so fucking touchy.

So I got the keys to my new digs in Cali. It's quaint, which is city-speak for small. There's a impossible-to-remove red stain in the living room. Seeing how so many old people live there, me thinks that Gerda tried to walk out onto the patio, was attacked by a colony of lethargic ants, and in her "hurry" to run away, tripped on Pookie, her prized Labradoodle, and her head met the tile landing with a dull thud. Either that, or somebody spilled Kool-Aid. I'm a bit of a dramatic.

But there's a pool there, which is great. I love swimming in other people's urine. Especially old people urine, which is strong enough to strip paint off car doors. I know from experience. The bullshit deal with the pool is that it's fucking closed by Sept. 15. Pussy ass californians think they can't swim well into the winter months. Trust me people, it's warm enough. Maybe they just don't like swimming in urine. Soft.

I also had to get a physical done for the new job. Now I've had physicals before, but this was a fuck-a-roo. I had an appointment for 12 noon, which means 'have a seat and we'll be with you when everyone else who didn't have an appointment is done'. I hate that. Oh, this shit was tight. Here was my vision test, which I wanted to pass without my glasses so I wouldn't be forced to wear them all the time:

"Please read line 7"
"Please cover your right eye and read line 7."
"Good, now cover your left eye and read line 7."
"Very good. All done"

Seriously, like I couldn't possibly memorize the fucking order? Wow, the cali system is fucking iron-clad, for sure. I shoulda missed one to throw them off. But I'm pretty sure I could have whipped out some binoculars and read the copyright at the bottom of the page, and they wouldn't have known.

Then comes the part all men love. The berry-fondling. I was hoping for a young, supple nurse with nice ass and a big dick. I mean tits, big huge tits, yeah. I'm gonna go watch football now. Anyways, my 250 lb 3rd grade teacher doppelganger walks in, fulfilling yet another fantasy. We small talk, exchange glances and shy away. She tests my reflexes, and I nearly kick her leg. Instead, it lightly brushes her thigh, and she blushes. She tells me to lay on my back. AWWW shit, here we go. She lifts up my ass-bearing smock.

"I Love Daddy!" She exclaims.

"Oh yeah?" I reply.

"Your boxers, those are cute." Shocked back to reality, I remember I'm wearing GAP boxers embossed with I [heart] daddy. There goes my only chance at fucking a Gunt (gut+cunt). Oh well, she didn't finger my balls anyway. Hernia tests are done by touching and pressing your stomache. Either that, or she smelled the li'l toot I let loose while lying down on my back, and decided to travel no farther.

On an ending note, I think this guy probably would have been better off had he not chosen a career in the public spotlight.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Thank you very little

As a token of my appreciation, here is some Family Guy clips to brighten your day. Can't wait for the new season of that shit to get here. TV will finally be back to normal.

So, I've already picked out my bride. But I started thinking that the rest of you useless bastards I call friends and aquaintences might wanna jump on this shit. People I haven't seen in years are sending money and shit, and stuff and more shit. That's not even counting the honeymoon. We're going skydiving, deep-sea fishing, and I'm gonna put it in her butt again. Shit, if this keeps up, I'm gettin married every other year or so. Fuckin' Jackpot. Here's a bride for those of you who aren't picky. Mental, but OK looking.

I was wandering through pornland today, and came across this. (no nudity, but your mom would either finger herself, or shake her head in disspointment at you for looking) Thought it was interesting what turns some guys on. Though it's hard to think of anything funnier than some snooty bitch trying to maintain her fucking cool while reaching up her asshole to pull her Gucci swimsuit out.

Well, even though I don't partake anymore, I know that a couple of you out there probably need to sharpen up their skills. Baaaaaaaakeeeeeeerrrrrrr.

Holy SHIT!! I have a new mission in life. I am going to build one of these.

"From the perspective of your favourite couch, the world at times seems remarkably like one huge-ass television screen." - Marshall McLuhan
Fucking right man.

Fucking right.

Friday, August 13, 2004

Cumin' on the Weekend

What better way to spend the weekend than laughing at rice? Seriously, I have no idea what goes through these kids' minds. It's pretty damn retarded. Click over to Beer and Rap and read all about Serg's frusteration with the issue. He's better at the whole anger thing than I am.

Here are some random thoughts:

-Today is International Left Handers day.

-Paris Hilton is not hot.

-They all look the same to me.

-Man, I've had the shits bad for the past three days. I'll be doodley-fuckin' around, then suddenly grab my gut and head for the hole. It's like pissing warm Dr. Pepper out of my ass. Not pretty.

-Last night I drove a motorcycle drunk. Friends, there are few things in this world that can be as frightening as this. Then again, it was also the most fun I've had in quite some time.

Ok, here's the reason why women shouldn't drive, work, or think. Damn.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Is there anything cooler?

When you think of cool, I mean, mega-crap-your-pants kinda cool, does anything beat the idea of Transformers Breakdancing? That shit's hype as fuck.

Damn, this automated bitch on the phone is so nice. "Please continue to hold..." She's just so damn reassuring that someone will be with me shortly. I hate being on hold. They always trick you by cutting of the Muzak for a second, making you think that someone is going to help you, only to bring on an automated voice stroking your fucking ego. Know what? Get fucked. Just gimme sweet, sweet silence.

Q:What did the bow-legged Doe have to say?
A:That's the last time I do that for ten bucks again.

You ever wonder how much automated voice bitches get paid? Think about it. If you have AT&T wireless, and QWEST for your home phone, as do I, then you'll notice it's the same hussie on both services. I could be dead asleep, and have that voice whisper, "Thumb your ass", and I'd do it, because I always do what the nice lady says. It gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling, not unlike drinking a wine-cooler and watching "Sleepless in Seattle". Know what I mean?


Saturday, August 07, 2004

Dear Stupid-Stereo-Internet-Buying Ass

Seriously. Just shut the fuck up. Stop your blathering. If I tell you something, it's the truth. So just shut the fuck up. Thank you.

I hate you,



I went and saw "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle" last night. I spent the whole time alternating between giggling, and beating my face with my boot. Jeezus, I've never experienced a more retarded film. There were a few moments of brilliance, but put enough monkeys in a room with typewriters for an infinite amount of time, and they'll write Shakespeare.


Why is it that women gobble up diamonds like fucking Hungry, Hungry, Hippos? They think that you get the engagement ring, then more diamonds with the wedding band, then more diamonds at the one year anniversery, another at 5 year increments. Look bitch, if I did that shit, you couldn't hold up your fucking hand to gimme a beer. And that shit ain't cool.

Friday, August 06, 2004

Sushi for breakfast

Is not a good idea. No matter how appealing a california roll is at 8am, don't do it. You really shouldn't eat sushi at all, if it's purchased at a supermarket. Those who know, know.

To all ya'll who work in retail---You ever have those travelling saleskids that go from store to store with a dufflebag full of broken shit, trying to sell it so that their boss' will let their family out of the shipping container en route to Bangkok. They've all got the same Ron Popeil sales pitch, where the deal keeps getting better and better as they ramble on.

Well, this kid comes in the other day, shaking like a leaf. He stumbles through the front door and drops his dufflebag. He stammers through his opening line, "H-H-Hi! H-How are you today?"

Big fucking smile crosses my face, "What useless crap are you slingin' today?"

"Oh, hehe. Yeah. Um...Well, check this out. It's a S-S-S-Super Soaker. They sell for $20 in the stores," he replies.

"The package say's H2O 5000, and there's spare parts floating in the bag," I said.

"W-W-Well, how does 2 for $10 sound?"

"What else you packing?"

He continues to show me his other goods. It's a package of shit from Tactical Gear. A watch, Torch-Lighter w/ built in compass. (Because I only light my cigarettes when facing due north) And it also comes with an L.E.D. flashlight. How much for all this you ask? $10. That's right, $10.

So he continues, "Do you have any kids?"

I point behind him towards our front showroom, which is accessible through a sliding glass door. On the other side, is my 3 year old son, face mashed against the glass, complete with ear-to-ear kool-aid moustache, dirty face, and Elmo overalls.

"Take it up with the big man," I say, gesturing for my son to come out.

My boy makes hasty decisions.

Easiest sale that kid ever made.

So now I have a watch straight out of a box of Corn Flakes, a Flashlight that doesn't work, and a lighter that my fiance nearly burnt her eyebrows off with. Oh yeah, and two squirt guns that drip more water than shoot. ('Cuz they were TWO for TEN!)

Ever come across that guy who JUST DOESN'T GET IT? What is it with these fucks? They ask a question (Do you do repairs?) and you answer it (No). But that's never enough. Do you repair VCR's? No. We don't do repairs.

Then there's that 15-30 second pause, and they'll ask the same question slightly modified again. This gets frustrating. Extremely frustrating. Then they have to get as much information from you as possible as to who could help them. Asking my ass to write down the number on a piece of paper. As if the 4 phone books published by various companies at their house couldn't possibly contain the same information. Retards.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Die laughing.

Evil is everywhere. I mean, look at this. I feel so deliciously evil when I look at that site and begin laughing my ass off at the superman picture. Do the parents not make the fucking Reeves connection? Or are they evil? You decide.

Friday, July 30, 2004

The fuckin' balls on that guy...

Dude, I'm fucking pissed. Raging, seeing red kinda pissed. My shithole boss comes up to me this morning and says, "Hey, I really need to get you an iron." I'm wearing a fucking wrinkle-free shirt & chinos w/ flip-flops. Fucking casual friday but with a business touch. Collared shirt, slacks, and fucking flip flops.

Then, shithole says, "I've got a proposal for you. I will pay you $100 a month if you bring in receipts for new clothes. Nice clothes, with collars and slacks." Really? For me?! Oh, Oh!! Please!!!!??? How about this proposal, fuckmook. How about I quit my fucking job, leaving you up shit creek without a paddle. How about I cause your fucking computer system to crash before I go? How about I steal 2k worth of inventory and fucking e-bay it, asshole? Does that sound like a good fucking deal to you?

I've been underpaid for almost 4 fucking years. You think you're going to tell me how to fucking dress by waving a fucking c-note in front of me? Arrogant prick, I've sold 15k systems in my fucking underwear on the god damn phone. Eat my shit, asshole. When you get back from your fancy little motorcycle trip, I'm going to rock your fucking world. I was going to give you a month's notice, being that I've been here so long and all, but fuck that. How's 2 weeks sound? You've got 2 fucking weeks to find somebody with 4 years of experience. Oh yeah, and they have to be willing to get paid $9/ hour. Good luck with that hunt, cunt. You'd be better off to hunt the fucking do-do bird, ass-hat.

Some people think they can put a fucking hat on me and make me dance for a dollar. Well that only works if I'm drunk. Assholes.

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Eating Fiberglass

Thursday....Damn. There's nothing worse than waking up and thinking it's Friday only to be let down by the cold, hard realization that it's Thursday; Friday's ugly twin.

So Serg just made me remember that some fucking bastards stole my idea. Seriously, I thought that shit up over two years ago. I swear, if I ever become friends with a millionaire, I'll make him a billionaire. I've got ideas that would make you shit yourself. But I guess it's good not to live in the past.

Last night Spectre and I did our show on the radio. It's "Enjoy Mute w/ DJ Spectre & MC Monarch" on 89.5fm up here in Orygun. It went pretty good, even though I was drunk and there was no bathroom around since school isn't in session. I ended up pissing the garbage can. Don't tell Spectre. I'm thinking about making that a weekly deal on the show, "Guess where Monarch pissed tonight!?" But somehow I think that's only funny to me.

Speaking of teh funny, I've taken it upon myself to revive the art of joke-telling, as I'm sure many of my close friends can tell you. There's a slight problem with that. You see, most of my jokes are told (almost always correctly) while I'm drunk. So I can never keep it straight as to who I've told what joke to. I'm pretty sure that's the reason why joke telling died in the first place. A bunch of dirty hippies that kept calling their parents telling them the same jokes over and over. The parents call the cops on their wayward children, and jailarity ensues.
I'm so horny, I could fuck a goat.
Tonight I'm going for a ride on my new (to me) bike with The Larry and The Drunk. I'm looking forward to hauling some ass and testing the aerodynamics of my fancy helmet. Damn thing's probably worth as much as the silly little bike. But I look damn good in it, so fack off.

Do me a favor, go read a book.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I'm goin, goin, back, back to Cali, Cali...


This shit is finally settled. I've decided to accept the job offer that was given to me by a company in Sacramento, CA. The money is better then I've ever made, so that's a good thing. The bad thing is that it's IN CALIFORNIA. I'm an Oregonian through and through. I've spent the majority of my life despising those damn white-license-plated assholes. And now I'm gonna be one of them. I'm such a fucking sell-out.

You know what? Selling out feels good. Or maybe I'm confusing that with the warm-fuzzy feeling of knowing that I'll be able to pay my fucking electricity bill. It's about damn time. 23 years of being broke is plenty enough, I-thank-you-very-much.

This will finally allow me to purchase the quality alcohol that a liver like mine truly deserves. Honestly though, I doubt my liver would know the difference. I'm quite convinced that he's sitting in my body, writing and re-writing the first line to his suicide note. Focusing is hard when you're constantly being assaulted by the relentless Monarch Reserve...

Last Night:

So this week, as you know, I'm a bachelor. No Fiance, no kid, just me. Last night I took advantage of that to the fullest. I went to my old buddies house that I ain't seen in a coon's age (is that racist?). He just got done painting and re-carpeting his pussy palace, shit looked good. So now that I'm off probation (another story) and a legal-fucking-beaver, I decide to smoke out, since I haven't done that in days.

There's nothing worse than thinking you can still smoke like you used to in college. Because you know what? You fucking can't. Three fucking hits and I was smiling and giggling like a damn 6 year old girl who just farted in the bathtub.

That crap took hours to wear off, and all I wanted to do was get drunk and do the fucking runningman till I fell over. I had fucking blast watching the second volume of Aqua-Teen Hunger Force. But the fucking music with me being all pickled made me have flash-backs from frying. It was like watching some Oscar-nominated animated shit. It was that fucking champ.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Well, it's saturday, and you know what that means. It means today I have to drive me and the family up to my parent's house for wedding plans. It also means I can't drink. You see, my mother is not a huge fan of the alcohol. After a DUI, and wrecking her car, it's understandable to see why.

My defense is that...my family's insane. All of them. Because my sister is divorcing her husband, she's living with my parents with her 3 kids. My other sister lives there too while her house is being built. Ok, mathtime, dumbshits:

3 bedrooms, 2.5 Baths divided by / 3 adults and 4 children.

Them's some tight spaces. So when I go up there with my fiance and my son, the numbers just get worse. I'm surrounded by shit-heel little kids that are used to being spoiled, beating the crap out of my son (the youngest) and I can't have a drink?!?!

Please kill me.

On the upside, the fiance is staying up there with my son for the entire week, meaning that I get to actually go out. I'm kinda scared. It's been months since I've had the opportunity to actually frequent a bar/stripclub/whatever. My mind is literally reeling with the possibilities.

Suggestions are welcome.

In other news, the prospective job offer in Sacramento has not been closed after all. I initially turned down their first offer, and countered with one that I found more suitable. After almost a week of no response, my e-mail was returned, stating that the owner of the company would revise his offer and re-send it to me. Time will tell...

I'm outta here. Peace and deer meat grease.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Holy Shit

So I was just checking Serg's shit and now I'm making a fucking blog. Great. Next I'm going wear fucking tights and say "Toy Boat" over and over 'till I giggle like a little bitch.