Thursday, March 03, 2005

Fuck the Tsunami

Sorry, I'm sure I'm not the first person to take this stance, but I really don't care. You live on/near a beach, it's your fault. So why the fuck are we so proud of these kabillionaire celebs donating their month's allowance for shoes to rebuild a shit-hole? Notice how it became like a competition between them who could donate the most? Fuck that and fuck Bono if he wins the fucking nobel peace prize. U2's album donated the 11 worst songs of last year. Thanks a lot pole smoker.

Why the fuck don't we feel sorry for Joe-Bob and Martha in Tornado Alley when their 3rd trailer in as many years is wiped out by a fucking tornado? Why didn't Linkin Park reach into their wallets after the last hurricane in Florida? I'll tell you why.

It's not cool to like America anymore.

So all you kids out there waiting for TRL to come on, listen close to what they tell you, it's the truth. Wear that "U.S.A. = NO WAY!" shirt that's sure to be on everyone's wishlist this fall. And while you're at it, take your fucking WASTE OF A LIFE TO THAT THIRD WORLD COUNTRY YOU ENVY SO MUCH AND FUCK A MONKEY.

While I'm at it, fuck those colored bracelets for causes. Lance's cancer thing was cool, but a fucking poofter color. But now they got blue for 'the' tsunami, green for the troops, pink for breast cancer and God knows what else. I got a new color for ya'll. 'Tye-dye' for all you old people who can't get past you olden days of floppy balls and hairy chicks.