Saturday, October 16, 2004

Jared fucking Fogel

I've kept my mouth shut during the internet's obsession with slamming Jared from Subway. But now that the fad has faded, I just have one thing to say...

So what? He lost a lot of weight, but he's stayed the same since he's become famous. So, in reality, he's advertising that, in the long run, eating Subway sandwiches makes you become a pasty white male with bitch tits. He's not still losing weight, that's certain. I haven't seen him hold up a size 38 pair of levi's, bragging about his current 36's. What the fuck man-boobs? Lemme see a six pack, and I'll shut up.

By the way, go rent Super Size me if you haven't seen it. Terrific film, and I'm starving now. God damn Ronald Mcdonald.

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