Friday, July 30, 2004

The fuckin' balls on that guy...

Dude, I'm fucking pissed. Raging, seeing red kinda pissed. My shithole boss comes up to me this morning and says, "Hey, I really need to get you an iron." I'm wearing a fucking wrinkle-free shirt & chinos w/ flip-flops. Fucking casual friday but with a business touch. Collared shirt, slacks, and fucking flip flops.

Then, shithole says, "I've got a proposal for you. I will pay you $100 a month if you bring in receipts for new clothes. Nice clothes, with collars and slacks." Really? For me?! Oh, Oh!! Please!!!!??? How about this proposal, fuckmook. How about I quit my fucking job, leaving you up shit creek without a paddle. How about I cause your fucking computer system to crash before I go? How about I steal 2k worth of inventory and fucking e-bay it, asshole? Does that sound like a good fucking deal to you?

I've been underpaid for almost 4 fucking years. You think you're going to tell me how to fucking dress by waving a fucking c-note in front of me? Arrogant prick, I've sold 15k systems in my fucking underwear on the god damn phone. Eat my shit, asshole. When you get back from your fancy little motorcycle trip, I'm going to rock your fucking world. I was going to give you a month's notice, being that I've been here so long and all, but fuck that. How's 2 weeks sound? You've got 2 fucking weeks to find somebody with 4 years of experience. Oh yeah, and they have to be willing to get paid $9/ hour. Good luck with that hunt, cunt. You'd be better off to hunt the fucking do-do bird, ass-hat.

Some people think they can put a fucking hat on me and make me dance for a dollar. Well that only works if I'm drunk. Assholes.


AudibleEnforcer said...

Please learn to spell. You're a joke. Oh, and thanks.

AudibleEnforcer said...

Eric, you're so tough when you're "anonymous". AND IT'S A BLOG, DAMNIT. My gayness is beyond measure.

Anonymous said...

for the record, im tough either or man. whe is your last day at AVI? and just how much shit are you jacking when you leave? i need some shit.

AudibleEnforcer said...

The 26th. Probably won't get to take much with me, but I'll be sure to share the booty.

Anonymous said...

that's why i love ya man. and i do mean love

Anonymous said...

Are you resorting to bribery Mr. K? I have not decided either way yet, to be honest with ye. Im just afraid i'll get hurt.... i've been hurt before you know.

AudibleEnforcer said...

Bribery? HA! Sweaty men fighting in spandex or women handing us drinks....

Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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