Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Revelry

People, my bud from work is the drummer for this band and I highly suggest you give them a listen. I went to a show they were at last night, along with Drowning Adam and the Mad Caddies. It was two tons of fun. It's been awhile since I've actually gone to any local shows...or bars for that matter. It's probably because I usually end up passed out in a corner, or a bathroom for that matter.

However, last night I was able to pace myself at the bar, which is highly unusual. I was satisfied with only a buzz. Here's the buzzlist:

2 - Corona's
5 - 7 & 7's
1 - Gnarly ass Jaeger Bomb

Spanned out over the night, that combo worked pretty well. My brosef didn't manage too well after finding out that Sac-Town has some pretty incredible bud to be consumed. Anyways, the purpose of this quick little post is to get some of you goons to go check out The Revelry.


Kyle Wood said...

Had to come check out someone with the rhymesayers and social D in the profile which happens to be the same dude that took Special K before I could. Keep supporting indie hip hop! Check out KarmicKamikaze.

None said...

mmmmm bud

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