Alright, gotta talk about this guy for a minute. Balls. Huge, brass, incredible balls on this guy. I mean, shit, that's a fucking feat right there. It's not like he did that shit whilst at a high school swimmeet or some shit. that's the damn OLYMPICS, CHUMP. I've never been to golden palace, but I'm damn sure thinking about checking it out. I bet he got his fucking ass beat down in the backroom though. Hope his paycheck was fucking fat.
People, my prayers have been answered. This is an idea of such awesomeness, it comes close to tying with giant piles of lesbians eating yogurt, and slapping old people until they cry. If this shit ever catches on in the states, I'm probably going to quit my new, high-paying job, and do that for a living. My only hope is that midgets get the job. It should be mandated that only midgets qualify to be a scooter-man. We could call them scooter-pooters. They'd have their own civilization based somewhere in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains. Yeah, but then that would fuck my chances of getting the job. So fuck the little crotch sniffers.
Quick note. Baker, your very own prayers have been answered as well.
Holy crap. This is the kinda prank that would piss me off soooo bad. Hahahaha, he rubs his face in 'em.
How long before someone sticks "OWNED!" onto the picture of the guy rubbing his face in the man-boobies?
I'm guessing it's already done. Not that I did it or anything....
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