Sunday, August 28, 2005

If I could be any "Super Hero"...

Wow, this question can have ITT dorm dwellers going on for days. But the answer is quite simple. No, it's not Superman; for reasons Mallrats clearly explains. Now, of course, it's all a matter of personal preference. Some like the hugely strong or fast dudes, or combinations within.

Really, it's Blade. Get the Wesley Snipes idea out of your mind. Not that he doesn't do the role justice, but c'mon; I'm white. I can't pretend to be Wes in my dreams if I still feel uncomfortable driving through Venice on my way to Manhatten Beach.

Ok, let's get down to the details. However, let's not get shit twisted. I'm not a comic book freak. I don't know every super zero that exists on paper. I'm simply making my suggestion based on the fact that a day-walking vampire is the coolest motherfucker ever to exist.

stupid fast
fucking daywalker
libido like a child molestor (minus the children)
party with kris kristofferson
bullets fly by you
silver only hurts a little
silly crazy weapons
um, fucking ninja sword?
white teeth
big dick (so i hear)
sweet ass car
and many, many more

Ok, so the only bad thing is having to take some stupid ass serum to keep you from sucking blood from a mortal, big whoop. I'd forgoe the serum, since real blood makes me stronger, and just suck on drunkards, so I could get a buzz going on too.

Another checklist:

Superman: gay, and too strong
Hulk: not a hero, just gay, and too strong
Flash: horrible in bed
Punisher, Batman: only human
Fantastic Four: Flaming Faggots
X-men: wolverine gets a pass, the rest like the ass
Spiderman: Photographers are usually gay
Green Lantern: Black and gay


AudibleEnforcer said...

The hulk is up there, only because of the mystery pants that tend to stay on.

None said...

any time I need a laugh I visit your webpage dude, you deserve like an award, or some shit.

James said...

You can check something in the blog settings to deter all these bots. Look under "comments". Congrats on the kiddo, though.