Read this article. I want to hear your experiences with animal cruelty. Did you ever throw your cat off your obscenely high roof to see if it would really land on its feet? How long can your brother's new puppy hold it's breath?
Or perhaps you pulled the kitten with a bottle rocket taped to its tail. Tell me.
I feel that assaulting the rooster from hell was not enough for me. Not so bad, in other words. This mean cock would assault me everytime I went to gather the eggs. It got to the point where I'd have to carry a baseball bat with me. Of course, after I mustered my courage, I began to fuck with it on purpose, hoping to get a whack at that shit. Well, over the course of the next couple of weeks, word of my cock spread around and the neighborhood kids starting coming to see it. To play with it, so to speak. Many ran home crying with cuts and blood on their jeans.
All because of my cock. Well, I was away one evening and my father went out to get the eggs. He noticed the terrible beast and its behavior. He promptly went to get his rifle. He shot it three times, point blank. It went limp.
An hour later, when I arrived home for dinner, he told me what he did. I then asked why the rooster was walking around the pasture. He said that was impossible. But my friends, he was. This only made my dad more upset, so he gathered the axe. Off with his head, but the fucker still ran around for nearly an hour before giving up his life without his weapon of choice.
That's a tough cock to beat.
So, what're your stories?
Depends on your brother...
Big Texas State Pop Rocket vs Cat's Neck.
the bottle rocket won
Crawfish will fight in warm water, but apparently in really hot water they die. We made Louie eat them. Louie threw up later.
You know how cats always land on their feet, well grab them by the feet and throw them as high as you possibly can. When they land they will break their backs and die. I learned that from my friend Clint. Clint didn't like cats.
^ that was me
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