Keep your comments to yourself, but I need to learn to shut the fuck up sometimes. So does my son.
Thanksgiving, I rolled up to my folks house in Oregon, to spend some quality family time and all that. I took my son with me, which was a blast. But anyway, my parents had a whole lot of older people from their church over for dinner. The ones who didn't have any family in town, or were just plain annoying.
So after dinner my son goes on the tooth-brushing rampage. He's a freak for dental hygiene, which is a good thing. But if you brush your teeth too much, it can cause gum damage. (both my sisters are dental hygienists) So we have a rule that he brushes only after bath time. So now he wants to take a bath. I tell him that he can't until everybody goes home.
Well, he takes that advice, and promptly runs out to the living room. He goes up to Phyllis, this 87 year old lady in a wheelchair, and screams "GO HOME!!" I'm just hoping nobody heard him when he repeats himself....10 times. So now I'm pegged as having the devil child. Though, yelling at old people has always been a subject of humor for me.
Later on, they were all talking about the Passion of the Christ. Some where discussing why they chose to not watch the film. I pipe in with this gem:
"Well, you should watch it. After seeing what Jesus went through, it makes bouncing a check or losing your job not seem so bad."
I killed the conversation. It took them a full 5 minutes of uncomfortable silence to find another topic to discuss. I thought it was a logical point, but alas, they did not.
I'll post about "Black Friday" tomorrow. Getting up at 3:30am to go shopping can have interesting side effects.